The Food Pyramid (Listening)

Hello everyone,

In today’s class we are going to watch a video about “The food pyramid”, after that we will do a kahoot in which we will have to answer questions about the video.

I hope you like it and have fun playing it.

To visualise the video press here.

As soon as you watch it, you should go 
for the kahoot.

Please, do not forget to leave a comment if you enjoy it. 

Many thanks. 

Best Regards. 



Happy Learning English. (2018). THE FOOD PYRAMID | Educational Video for Kids. [Vídeo]. YouTube.


  1. Hello! I think it is a really interesting activity. Happy learning videos are always a good resurce for our students because they are created specifically for them and they usually understand it. Also do a kahoot is a good option due to the feedback you have. When they finish, kahoot makes an statistics and that's allow you to take some notes and see if they realkly understand the video. Good job! Congratulations!


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